Video: HTML Tutorial for Beginners 02 - What is HTML?

Curso: HTML Tutorials For Beginners
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Categorias: Desenvolvimento,

If you're new to web design / development & don't know where to start, HTML is the perfect place. HTML and CSS together form the building blocks with which to create websites and other more complex applications. In this course we'll cover everything you need to know to create a simple website from start to finish. Join me, ninja fledglings, en-route to become an ultimate HTML ninja :).


HTML Tutorial for Beginners 01 - HTML Introduction
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 02 - What is HTML?
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 03 - HTML Syntax & Structure
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 04 - Your First Web Page
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 05 - Head and Body Tag
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 06 - Headings and Text
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 07 - Heading Structure
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 08 - Default Browser Styles
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 09 - The img Tag
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 10 - HTML Links
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 11 - HTML Lists
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 12 - HR and BR Tags
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 13 - The div Tag
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 14 - ID's and Classes
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 15 - Adding CSS to HTML
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 16 - Adding JavaScript to HTML
HTML Tutorial for Beginners 17 - What To Do Next