Video: Managing Cordova Hybrid App Version Numbers

Curso: Cordova mobile course
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Categorias: Desenvolvimento,
Tags: cordova,

A series of videos about how to create Hybrid Mobile Applications for Android and iOS with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript - by using the Cordova Framework.

Some references to the PhoneGap version of the Framework may be included.


Intro to Mobile App Development with Cordova 7
Installing Cordova 7 Mobile Platforms and Plugins
Cordova  Device Plugin and Mobile App Testing in the Browser
Mobile Web and Hybrid App Testing with Safari and iOS Devices
Finding your iOS UDID
The Cordova deviceready Event
Custom Cordova Hybrid App Launcher Icons
Managing Cordova Hybrid App Version Numbers
Content Security Policy meta tags
Cordova Environment for Android on Windows
Creating Android Virtual Devices AVDs
Updating Your Android Dev Environment
Starting iOS Development Certificates and Provisioning Profiles
Managing Environmental (ENV) variables on Mac OSX
Using the Cordova Camera Plugin
Cordova iOS Camera Permissions
Cordova Platform Specific Styles & Scripts
Cordova Pause and Resume Events
Using the Cordova Media Plugin
The Cordova Local Notifications Plugin
Cordova Dialogs Plugin
DOMContentLoaded vs deviceready in Cordova Apps
Mobile Keyboards and HTML Forms
Google Maps Markers and Events
Cordova Geolocation Plugin and Permissions
Cordova Build Settings for iOS with XCode 10
Using the Cordova File Plugin
Cordova Android App Permission Management
Using ios-sim to Control a Simulator from the Command Line