Video: Apache Spark Tutorial | What Is Apache Spark? | Introduction To Apache Spark | Simplilearn
Curso: Apache Spark & Scala Tutorial Videos
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This Apache Spark & Scala tutorial videos playlist will make you understand about the most powerful real-time big data processing framework called Spark. You will learn the basics of Spark and install Spark with Windows and Ubuntu. You will get an idea about the architecture of Spark and learn the various components of Spark such as Spark Core, Spark MLlib, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL and GraphX. You will come across different interview questions in Spark that you could be asked in an interview. Finally, you will learn about PySpark and do a demo using PySpark. So, let's get started with learning Apache Spark & Scala. #Simplilearn #ApacheSpark #ApacheScale #SparkTraining #SparkTutorialForBeginners #SimpilearnSpark