Video: Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #11 - Prototype Inheritance

Curso: Object Oriented JavaScript
Idioma:   Course LanguageDificuldade:  

Categorias: Desenvolvimento,

Hey gang, in this series we'll take a look at objects in JavaScript, and how we can use them to structure our programs. We'll talk about object literals, classes, inheritance,  prototypes and more :).


Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #1 - Introduction
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #2 - Object Literals
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #3 - Updating Properties
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #4 - Classes
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #5  - Class Constructors
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #6 - Class Methods
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #7 - Method Chaining
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #8 - Class Inheritance
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #9 - Constructors (under the hood)
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #10 - Prototype
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #11 - Prototype Inheritance