Video: 1_1 Computer systems

Curso: Introduction to Programming Logic
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Categorias: Desenvolvimento,

Introduction to Programming Logic


1_1 Computer systems
1_2 Simple program logic
1_3 The steps involved in the program development cycle
1_4 Pseudocode statements and flowchart symbols
1_5 Using a sentinel value to end a program
1_6 Programming and user environments
1_7 The evolution of programming models
Ch 01 Ex 4 Walk Through for Flowcharting and Writing Pseudocode
How to Debug Coded Program
The computer memory and the binary number system
2_1 Declaring and using variables and constants
2_2 Performing arithmetic operations
2_3 The advantages of modularization
2_4 Modularizing a program
2_5 Hierarchy charts
2_6 Features of good program design
Ch 02 Ex 7 Walk Through
3_1 The disadvantages of unstructured spaghetti code
3_2 The three basic structures—sequence, selection, and loop
3_3 Using a priming input to structure a program
3_4 The need for structure
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Ch 8.6a Using Index Files
Ch 8.6b Using Link Lists
Ch 9.1 The parts of a method
Ch 9.2 Methods with no Parameters
Ch 9 3 Methods with Parameters