Video: [Part 21] Building News Timeline P3 - Build News App with WordPress API

Curso: The Complete Android App Developer Course
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The Complete Android App Developer Course


The Complete Android App Developer Course || Start Developing Android Apps Today!
Android Tutorial #1 | Introduction to Android
Android Tutorial #2 | Android Versions History
Android Tutorial #3 | Download & Install Android Studio
Android Tutorial #4 | Emulators - How to Create Virtual Device (AVD) Emulator and run Android Apps
Android Tutorial #5 | Create Hello World App - Learn Android From zero to hero
Android Tutorial #6 | Android Studio Anatomy
Android Tutorial #7 | Project Structure - The Complete Android Developer Course
Android Tutorial #8 | Manifest File - The Complete Android Developer Course
Android Tutorial #9 | The Manifest 2 - The Complete Android Developer Course
Android Tutorial #10 | What is Gradle - The Complete Android Developer Course
Android Tutorial #11 | Java Folder - The Complete Android Developer Course
Android Tutorial #12 | Resource Folder - The Complete Android Developer Course
Android Tutorial #13 | Values Folder - The Complete Android Developer Course
Android Tutorial #14 | Making a Resources App
Android Tutorial #15 | Making a Resources App
Android Tutorial #16 | Buttons
Android Tutorial #17 | EditText
How to display images in your app using ImageView - Android Tutorial #18
How to make a Unit Converter App | Android Tutorial #19
Layouts in Android Studio | Android Tutorial #20
Grid Layout | Android Tutorial #21
Coordinator Layout | Android Tutorial #22
The Activity Lifecycle Explained - Android Tutorial #23
Intents | Android Tutorial #24 | The Complete Android Developer Course
Types of Intents: Explicit & Implicit | Android Tutorial #25
How to Make a Button Open a New Activity | Android Tutorial #26
Adapters & Model Class | Android Tutorial #27
Grid layout | Android Tutorial #28
Fragments in Android | Android Tutorial #29
How to Build a Fragments App ? | Android Fragments Tutorial #30
Fragment Lifecycle in Android | Android Tutorial #31
Simple ListView in Android Studio | Android Tutorial #32
How to set click event on Listview | Android Tutorial #33
Custom ListView | Android Tutorial #34
RecyclerView App + Lecture | Android Tutorial #35
CardView | Android Tutorial #36
How to add click listener to Cardview | Android Tutorial #37
ViewPager | Android Tutorial #38
Tab Layout with Different Fragments | Learn Android #39
Navigation Drawer | Learn Android #40
Navigation Drawer | Learn Android #40
Android SharedPreferences Part 1 - Learn Android from scratch #41
Android SharedPreferences Part 2 - Learn Android #42
Android SQLite Database part 1 | Android Tutorial #43
Android SQLite Database part 2 | Android Tutorial #44
Android SQLite Database part 3 | Android Tutorial #45
Android SQLite Database part 4 | Android Tutorial #46
Android SQLite Database part 4 | Android Tutorial #46
Android SQLite Database part 5 | Android Tutorial #47
Android SQLite Database part 6 | Android Tutorial #48
Android Full Course - Learn Android in 14 Hours | Android Development Tutorial for Beginners -Part 1
Android JetPack Course - Introduction to JetPack #49
Android Architecture Components - Android JetPack #50
Data Binding in Android - Android Architecture Components #51
Data Binding App - Android Architecture Components #52
Android JetPack Course - LifeCycle Aware Lesson #53
Android JetPack Course - LifeCycle Aware APP #54
Model View View-Model (MVVM) - Android JetPack Course #55
Room Database [part 1] - Prepare & Configure Room #56
Room Database [part 2] - Entity #57
Room Database [part 3] - Data Access Object #58
Android JetPack Course - Room Database Class #59
Android JetPack Course - Room Database Class #60
Room Database App - EditNote Activity #61
Room Database App - Main Activity #62
Room Database App - Running the Note Taking App #62
Build Note Taking App using Room Database - Master Coding
How to Insert data into Firebase database in Android  || Firebase Tutorial #2
How to connect android with Firebase database || Firebase Tutorial #1
How to Receive data from Firebase database in Android  || Firebase Tutorial #3
How to Retrieve Multiple Values from Firebase || Firebase Tutorial #4
How to Retrieve Multiple Data from Firebase || Firebase Tutorial #5
How to Retrieve Images & Text from Firebase to Recyclerview - Firebase Course #6
☢️ Whatsapp Cloning - Building a Chat App Using Firebase
Book App Login UI - Fast Code
Display PDF into Android App with Night Mode
How to Display PDF from URL - PDF App
How to Display PDF from URL - PDF App
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Download Android Studio [OFFLINE] with full SDK - No Need to wait hours for android studio plugins
Download Android Studio [OFFLINE] with full SDK - No Need to wait hours for android studio plugins
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How to add Markers on maps [Google Maps Course #2]
Map Click Listeners - [Google Maps Course #3]
How to customise Info Window - [Google Maps Course #4]
Polylines in Google Maps - [Google Maps Course #5]
Polygons in Google Maps - [Google Maps Course #6]
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??  [PART 2] Android Full Course 12 hours - Learn Android from zero to hero | Become Real Developer
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Creating Movie App - Parsing JSON from API into RecyclerView - [TMDB API]
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Retrofit Tutorial #5 - Parsing JSON from nested object using Retrofit -  [Movie App 3]
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Retrofit Tutorial #7 - PUT & PATCH in Retrofit -  [Retrofit Course]
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #1 - Understanding TMDB API
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #2 - Using PostMan for API Testing
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #3 - Credentials Class & Adding Retrofit2
[Solved] Android Studio Error after updating to Android 4.1 - Solving Android Studio Errors
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #4 - Retrofit Singleton Pattern
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #5 - Model Class for Api
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #6 - Retrofit response objects
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #7 - Testing API Search Response
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #8 - Search by ID Request
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #9 - Understanding MVVM
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #10 - Creating ViewModel
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #11 - Creating Repository
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #12 - Api Client
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #13 - Creating Executors
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #14 - Executing Runnables
Installing Android SDK [OFFLINE] with one click - No Need to wait hours for android studio plugins
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #15 - Query REST API
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #16 - Network security
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #17 - Item Decoration
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #18 - Adapter Class & Glide Library
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #19 - RecyclerView Setup
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #20 - RecyclerView Click Events
How to become an Android App Developer | Complete RoadMap
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #21 - Designing AppBar
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #22 - Creating SearchView
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #23 - Loading Next Results
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #24 - Movie Details Activity
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #25 - Passing JSON Data to Details Activity
REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2 #26 - Creating Multiple RecyclerView
Building Movie App - REST API with MVVM and Retrofit2
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Cardview with RecyclerView in Android - Android Studio Tutorial
Single Item Selection in RecyclerView - Android RecyclerView Tutorial
Multiple Item Selection in RecyclerView - Android RecyclerView Tutorial
Swipe Items in RecyclerView - Android RecyclerView Tutorial
Multi view RecyclerView | getItemViewType() | Android RecyclerView Tutorial
Build News App with WordPress API - Course Overview
How to Install XAMPP Server on Windows 10 | Build News App with WordPress API [Part 2]
[Part 3] Build News App with WordPress API - Installing Atom Editor
[Part 4] How to Install Wordpress Locally on PC - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 5] Building HomePage Layout - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 6] Building Image Slider Locally - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 7] Creating News Categories - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 8] Creating News Layout - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 9] Creating News Posts - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 10] Creating API - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 11] Creating Banners - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 12] Creating Banners API - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 13] Creating Advertisements - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 14] Fetching News by Category - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 15] Fetching News by ID - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 17] Receiving News into Logcat - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 16] Adding Retrofit Library - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 18] Displaying Banners from API - Build News App with WordPress API
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[Part 19] Building News Timeline P1 - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 20] Building News Timeline P2 - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 21] Building News Timeline P3 - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 22] Fixing App Bugs - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 23] Creating API for Category Taxonomy - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 24] Creating Category Model - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 25]  Fetching Category Images - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 26]  Loading Infinite News - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 27] Swipe to Refresh - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 28]  Designing News Layout- Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 29]  News Detail Activity - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 30]  Loading News P1 - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 31]  Loading News P2 - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 32]  How to Get Youtube API Key - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 33]  Understanding Youtube API - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 34]  Tracking Youtube Channels API - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 35] Youtube Activity Layout - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 36] Display Channels in ViewPager - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 37] Getting Channels From API into ViewPager- Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 38] Display Youtube Videos P1 - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 39] Display Youtube Videos P2 - Build News App with WordPress API
[Part 40] Playing Youtube Videos inside the App- Build News App with WordPress API
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Android Studio Layout Editor - Learn Android #7