Video: Tinkercad Circuits Tutorial - Using a 555 timer to make police lights
Canal:Rosie Research
Curso: Tinkercad Circuits
From beginner to advanced, learn how to build your own breadboard based circuits using Tinkercad's free online software! These tutorials not only walk you through how to wire up the projects, but allows you to have a step by step guide if you want to make it on a real breadboard at home. Don't have circuit building materials? No problem, you can still have all the fun online. Start off in our simple circuits tutorials and learn how to wire up a simple LED, or make your LED motion activated. Then up your skills with the use of common integrated circuits like the 555 timer and the 393 comparator. Want to really dive into the circuit building world? Check out our Arduino Tinercad circuits tutorials where we will build the circuits AND write the programming! Make sure to help keep us running by supporting us at