Video: Nest JS Microservices using AMQP Rabbit MQ #44

Curso: Nest JS Advanced Course
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Categorias: Desenvolvimento,

Nest JS Advanced Course


Nest JS Advance Course #01
Nest JS Services and Controllers #02
Nest JS Pipe, Filters, Middleware and Exception Filters #03
Nest JS DTOs and class validator #04
Nest JS with TypeORM Mysql & Postgres #05
Nest JS Postgres with TypeORM #06
Nest JS with Different ORM #07
Nest JS with Postgres Relationships #08
Nest JS with Passport and JWT Authentication #09
NestJS with Passport Local Strategy for Login #10
Nest JS with Passport and JWT Strategy #11
Nest JS Demo with Passport and JWT #12
Nest JS API Health Check and adding Security #13
Nest JS Adding Custom Logger || Rollbar Logger #14
Nest JS Understanding Interceptor #14 Part 2
Nest JS API Testing Unit Tests #15
Nest JS API API Middleware #16
Nest JS API Testing Unit, E2E Tests #17
Nest JS APIs Testing & Coverage #18
Nest JS file Upload using Multer #20
Nest JS file upload and Validation #21
Nest JS Filer upload to S3 #22
Nest JS File upload to Azure #23
Nest JS API Pagination Offset and Keyset based #24
Nest JS API Pagination Offset TypeORM Query #25
Nest JS API Pagination Offset Demo #26
Nest JS API Pagination Keyset #27
Nest JS Integration #28
Creating Index and searching data Elastic Search #29
Creating Schema Mapping for Index and Doing Search #30
Nest JS Integration with Elastic Search Module #31
Nest JS Elastic Search Service Method #32
Nest JS Elastic Search Demo Create, Search and Delete #33
Nest JS Scheduler and Event Emitter #34
Nest JS cache Manager API Cache #35
Nest JS with Redis as Cache Manager #36
Nest JS with Sequelize ORM Postgres Part 1  #37
Nest JS with Sequelize ORM Postgres Part 2 #38
Nest JS with Mongo DB Mongoose #39
Nest js with Authentication and Authorization #39
Nest js Auth & AuthZ Vue JS App #40
Nest JS with Firebase SDK Integration # 41
Nest JS Authentication and Role Based Authorization Firebase #42
Nest JS Microservices TCP #43
Nest JS Microservices using AMQP Rabbit MQ #44
Nest JS CQRS Command, Queries, Events & Saga || From Kamil Myśliwiec