Video: [ Kube 7 ] Kubernetes Pods Replicasets & Deployments

Curso: Learn Kubernetes
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Categorias: DevOps,

Kubernetes beginners tutorials on various concepts around this rapidly growing open source container orchestration technology.


Kubernetes Series Kick Start
[ Kube 1 ] Setup Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm on CentOS 7
[ Kube 1.1 ] Setup Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm on Ubuntu 20.04
[ Kube 1.2 ] Setup Kubernetes Cluster on CentOS & Ubuntu
[ Kube 1.3 ] Set up multi master Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm
[ Kube 1.4 ] Kubeadm HA | Adding additional master nodes to the cluster
[ Kube 1.5 ] Set up highly available Kubernetes cluster step by step | Keepalived & Haproxy
[ Kube 2 ] Setup Kubernetes Cluster with Vagrant
[ Kube 2.1 ] Setup Kubernetes cluster in KVM Libvirt
[ Kube 2.2 ] Kubernetes 1.20.5 using vagrant | Version Bump
[ Kube 2.3 ] Kubernetes 1.21.0 using vagrant | Version Bump
[ Kube 3 ] Kubernetes single node cluster using microk8s
[ Kube 4 ] Single node Kubernetes Cluster with Minikube
[ Kube 4.1 ] Running Minikube Kubernetes Cluster on AWS EC2
[ Kube 5 ] Install Kubernetes Dashboard Web UI
[ Kube 5 Discussion 1 ] How to set up Kubernets Dashboard Web UI
[ Kube 6 ] Running Docker Containers in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 7 ] Kubernetes Pods Replicasets & Deployments
[ Kube 8 ] Kubernetes Namespaces & Contexts
[ Kube 9 ] How to use Node Selector in Kubernetes
[ Kube 9.1 ] PodNodeSelector Admission Control Plugin | Assigning pods to nodes
[ Kube 10 ] Kubernetes DaemonSets
[ Kube 11 ] Jobs & Cronjobs in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 11.1 ] Deleting Jobs in Kubernetes after completion using feature gate  TTLAfterFinished
[ Kube 12 ] Init Containers in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 13 ] Using Persistent Volumes and Claims in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 14 ] Using Secrets in Kubernetes
[ Kube 15 ] Using ConfigMaps in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 15.1 ] Immutable secrets & configmaps | How to use them
[ Kube 16 ] Using Resource Quotas & Limits in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 17 ] Renaming Kubernetes Nodes
[ Kube 18 ] How to setup Rancher to manage your Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 18 Discussion 1 ] Rancher issues with Calico
[ Kube 18.1 ] Monitoring Kubernetes Cluster with Rancher v2
[ Kube 18.2 ] Kubernetes Logging with Rancher, Fluentd and Elastic Stack
[ Kube 18.3 ] Kubernetes alerts to Slack with Rancher v2
[ Kube 19 ] Performing Rolling Updates in Kubernetes
[ Kube 20 ] NFS Persistent Volume in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 21 ] How to use Statefulsets in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 22 ] How to upgrade your Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 23 ] Dynamically provision NFS persistent volumes in Kubernetes
[ Kube 23.1 ] A guide to setting up dynamic NFS provisioning in Kubernetes
[ Kube 24 ] Getting started with Helm v2 in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 24 Discussion 1 ] How to make Helm work with Kubernetes v1.16
[ Kube 24.1 ] Helm v3.0 released | How to migrate from v2
[ Kube 25 ] Running Jenkins in Kubernetes Cluster using Helm
[ Kube 25 Discussion 1 ] Configuring Jenkins to connect to Kubernetes cluster
[ Kube 25 Discussion 1.1 ] Running Jenkins slave agents in Kubernetes
[ Kube 25 Discussion 2 ] Deploying to Kubernetes cluster using Jenkins
[ Kube 25 Discussion 3 ] Connecting Jenkins to Minikube Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 26 ] Prometheus monitoring for Kubernetes Cluster and Grafana visualization
[ Kube 27 GKE 1 ] Using gcloud CLI and Google Cloud Console
[ Kube 28 GKE 2 ] Creating your first Kubernetes cluster in GKE
[ Kube 29 GKE 3 ] Deploying an app in GKE Cluster
[ Kube 30 ] Deploying Kubernetes Cluster using LXC Containers
[ Kube 30.1 ] Kubernetes 1.17 on LXC Containers
[ Kube 30.2 ] Kubernetes cluster in LXC containers - Restarting cluster
[ Kube 31 ] Set up Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes Bare Metal
[ Kube 32 ] Set up Traefik Ingress on kubernetes Bare Metal Cluster
[ Kube 33 ] Set up MetalLB Load Balancing for Bare Metal Kubernetes
[ Kube 33.1 ] How to deploy & use MetalLB in bare metal Kubernetes
[ Kube 34 ] Monitor Kubernetes Logs using EFK stack - Elasticsearch, FluentBit & Kibana
[ Kube 34 Discussion 1 ] Customizing EFK Deployment in Kubernetes using Rancher
[ Kube 35 ] Using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler in Kubernetes
[ Kube 35 Discussion 1 ]  Pod auto-scaling based on memory utilization
[ Kube 35.1 ] Deploying metrics-server in Kubernetes using Helm
[ Kube 35.2 ] Deploying metrics server in Kubernetes without Helm
[ Kube 36 ] Useful Kubernetes Tools - kube-ops-view and kubebox
[ Kube 37 ] Setup Lets Encrypt cert-manager in Kubernetes Bare Metal
[ Kube 38 ] Kubernetes The Hard Way - Part 1
[ Kube 39 ] Kubernetes The Hard Way Part 2
[ Kube 40 ] Kubernetes The Hard Way HA Testing
[ Kube 41 ] Deploying NextCloud in Kubernetes
[ Kube 42 ] Deploying Redmine in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 43 ] KinD - Kubernetes Cluster using Docker containers
[ Kube 43.1 ] Deploying & Using MetalLB in KinD Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 43.2 ] Getting started with KinD | Local multi-node k8s cluster in Docker containers
[ Kube 44 ] Weave Scope - Kubernetes Visualization & Monitoring
[ Kube 45 ] Velero - Backup & Restore Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 46 ] Kubespray Vagrant Demo
[ Kube 47 ] Using PodPreset in Kubernetes
[ Kube 48 ] Kubernetes Pod Disruption Budget Demo
[ Kube 49 ] Jenkins CI CD Pipeline in Kubernetes
[ Kube 49.1 ]  Deploy to Kubernetes cluster using Jenkins CI/CD pipeline | Building with Kaniko tool
[ Kube 50 ] Installing Istio in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 50.1 ] Deploying Istio Service Mesh in Kubernetes using Istioctl
[ Kube 51 ] Istio Deploying sample Bookinfo application
[ Kube 52 ] Monitoring Istio mesh using Grafana
[ Kube 53 ] Kiali - Visualize your Istio Service Mesh
[ Kube 54 ] Istio Traffic Management - Request Routing  Part 1
[ Kube 55 ] Istio Traffic Management - Request Routing Part 2
[ Kube 56 ] Install Calico network in Kubernetes
[ Kube Update 1 ] Kubernetes v1.16 apiVersion changes
[ Kube 57 ] Istio demo with Kiali and traffic management
[ Kube 58 ] Using Vertical Pod Autoscaling in Kubernetes
[ Kube 59 ] Deploy and use Nginx ingress controller
[ Kube 59.1 ] Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes Revisited
[ Kube 59.2 ] Using Kubernetes Ingress with MetalLB
[ Kube 60.1 ] Running MongoDB Replicaset in Kubernetes | Part 1
[ Kube 60.2 ] Running MongoDB Replicaset in Kubernetes | Part 2
[ Kube 61 ] K9S Kubernetes Terminal Dashboard
[ Kube 62 ] Extending Kubernetes through Plugins usig Krew
[ Kube 63 ] Creating your first Helm chart
[ Kube 64 ] How to set up a local Helm chart repository
[ Kube 65.1 ] Kubespray - Kubernetes cluster provisioning
[ Kube 65.2 ] Kubespray - Upgrading K8S Cluster
[ Kube 65.3 ] Kubespray - Adding & Removing Kubernetes nodes
[ Kube 65.4 ] Kubespray - How to reset your K8s cluster
[ Kube 65.5 ] Kubespray - Configuring external Load Balancer
[ Kube 66 ] Provisioning Kubernetes The Easy Way with Juju
[ Kube 67 ] Setting Pod limits on Kubernetes worker nodes
[ Kube 68 ] Kubernetes RBAC Demo | Creating Users and Roles
[ Kube 69 ] Using Private Docker Registry in Kubernetes
[ Kube 70 ] Deploying Spinnaker in Kubernetes cluster
[ Kube 71 ] Creating Kubernetes cluster in AWS using Eksctl | AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
[ Kube 72 ] Kontena Lens - Beautiful Kubernetes UI
[ Kube 73 ] Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes - Part 1
[ Kube 74 ] Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes - Part 2
[ Kube 75 ] Running Gitea in Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 76 ] Serverless in kubernetes using Kubeless
[ Kube 77 ] AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster provisioning using Terraform
[ Kube 78.1 ] KOPS Part 1 - Creating a Kubernetes cluster in AWS
[ Kube 78.2 ] KOPS Part 2 - Upgrading Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 78.3 ] KOPS Part 3 - Scaling Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 78.4 ] KOPS Part 4 - Deleting Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 78.5 ] KOPS Part 5 - Creating Kubernetes cluster in Google Cloud
[ Kube 79 ] Kubernetes Liveness & Readiness Probes
[ Kube 80.1 ] Rancher K3S - Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution
[ Kube 80.1.1 ] Set up Rancher K3S cluster with external etcd datastore
[ Kube 80.1.2 ] Rancher K3S cluster with MySQL as external datastore
[ Kube 80.2 ] Rancher K3D - K3S Kubernetes in Docker containers
[ Kube 80.3 ] Rancher K3S Ingress Demo with Traefik
[ Kube 80.4 ] Rancher K3D - Persistent Volumes
[ Kube 80.5 ] Getting started with Rancher K3D v3.0.0
[ Kube 80.6 ] Kubernetes cluster provisioning with Rancher's RKE
[ Kube 80.7 ] Provision RKE cluster from Rancher Web UI
[ Kube 81 ] Kube-hunter - Exploring security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters
[ Kube 82 ] Kubernetes Jenkins Operator to manage Jenkins instances
[ Kube 83 ] Kubernetes The Hard Way in Google Cloud Platform
[ Kube 84 ] Kail - Easy tool to view logs from multiple pods in Kubernetes
[ Kube 85.1 ] Argo CD continuous deployment to Kubernetes - Part 1
[ Kube 85.2 ] Deploying Argo CD in Kubernetes | Creating your first App
[ Kube 85.3 ] Argo CD Continuous Deployment from Helm Repo
[ Kube 85.4 ] Argo CD Creating app using custom resource definition
[ Kube 85.5 ] Argo CD and Kustomize
[ Kube 85.6 ] Getting started with Argo CD CLI
[ Kube 86 ] Getting started with Kustomize tool for Kubernetes
[ Kube 87 ] Using Kubectl through an SSH Tunnel
[ Kube 88.1 ] Set up Kubernetes with external Etcd cluster - Part 1
[ Kube 88.2 ] Set up Kubernetes with external Etcd cluster - Part 2
[ Kube 88.3 ] Set up Kubernetes with external Etcd cluster - Part 3
[ Kube 88.4 ] Set up Kubernetes with external Etcd cluster - Part 4
[ Kube 89 ] Dynamic GlusterFS Volume Provisioning in Kubernetes
[ Kube 90 ] kURL, The custom kubernetes distro creator
[ Kube 91 ] Kubewatch Demo Slack Notification
[ Kube 92 ] Lost kubeconfig? How to regenerate it with kubeadm
[ Kube 93 ] Kubernetes drops docker? What you need to know
[ Kube 94 ] Kubernetes with Containerd on Ubuntu using Vagrant
[ Kube 95 ] Kubernetes with Containerd on Ubuntu LXC containers
[ Kube 96 ] KinD - Kubernetes in Docker - Deprecation of Dockershim
[ Kube 97 ] Live switching of Kubernetes container runtime | From Docker to Containerd
[ Kube 98.1 ] Kubernetes cluster with CRI-O container runtime | Step by step tutorial
[ Kube 98.2 ] Kubernetes CRI-O Challenge | Ping permission denied | Are you root?
[ Kube 99 ] Zero to Jupyterhub in Kubernetes | Getting Started Guide
[ Kube 100 ] Getting started with Grafana Loki in Kubernetes
[ Kube 101.1 ] Traefik v2 | Part 1 | How to deploy in Kubernetes
[ Kube 101.2 ] Traefik v2 | Part 2 | Creating IngressRoutes
[ Kube 101.3 ] Traefik v2 | Part 3 | Dealing with TLS certificates
[ Kube 101.4 ] Traefik v2 | Part 4 | Exploring Middlewares
[ Kube 101.5 ] Traefik v2 | Part 5 | Exposing Dashboard
[ Kube 101.6 ] Traefik v2 | Part 6 | Weighted Round Robin
[ Kube 102 ] Getting started with Longhorn | Cloud Native Distributed Storage for Kubernetes
[ Kube 103.1 ] K0S Getting Started | Simple and Solid kubernetes distribution
[ Kube 103.2 ] Bootstrapping multi node K0S Kubernetes cluster
[ Kube 103.3 ] K0S Multi Master Kubernetes Cluster with Load Balancer
[ Kube 103.4 ] Upgrading K0S Multi Node Kubernetes Cluster
[ Kube 104 ] Set up a secure Highly Available ETCD Cluster
[ Kube 105 ] Renewing Kubernetes certificates with Kubeadm
[ Kube 105.1 ] Kubernetes HA | Renew cluster certificates with Kubeadm